Making Changes to Your Composite


Last Update há um ano

GreekYearbook guarantees 100% error-free Composites! We design through an unlimited proofing system. This means that as soon as your designer has all of the information needed, your Composite proof will be created. Once the proof is completed, you will receive a notification and be able to either approve or reject the proof, providing your designer feedback on what you would like changed. Customer service is extremely important here at GreekYearbook, so we’re happy to provide unlimited changes to the proof until it’s 100%!

You have 24 hours from when your Composite goes into print to address any changes that were missed or recently noticed on either the GreekYearbook side or the customer side. If anything needs to be changed within those 24 hours, please contact us immediately to stop printing. After the composite has been printed, revisions will incur a re-print fee to your chapter, up to $500.

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