Using Drapes, Pearls, Jackets & Ties at Composite Photo Shoots


Last Update hace un año

We do not provide or rent out drapes, pearls, jackets or ties for use at the photo shoot; however, you can purchase drapes directly from GreekYearbook for use at your current shoot and all future shoots. We currently do NOT provide services for digitally adding drapes after a shoot.

Drapes can be purchased for $150 per pair, and we will ship them directly to your shoot. Super easy! The $150 cost is added directly to your final invoice. One pair is sufficient for each shoot. Please request drapes through your Planning Guide (provided via email by your Scheduling Coordinator) at least 2 weeks in advance of your shoot date.

If you would like to use pearls, jackets or ties at your composite photo shoot, we suggest 2-3 members bring their own. Members can take turns wearing them for each photograph. Sharing multiple is ideal to ensure the shoot runs smoothly with minimal wait time between members’ photos.

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